Limfjord Pilot ApS
Limfjord Pilot
Aalborg Pilot - Thyboron Pilot
Hals Pilot
Kabbelvej 45
7620 Lemvig,
Contact details:
Phone:: +45 9152 8888
Pilotage at the Limfjord
Limfjord Pilot is a privat owned Pilot Company on the Limfjord.
We provide pilotage as follows:
- To and from the Limfjord Ports:
- Aalborg
- Aggersund
- Fur
- Løgstør
- Nykøbing Mors
- Skive
- Struer
- Thisted
- Thyborøn
- Through Oddesund Bridge
- Through the entire Limfjord or parts of the Limfjord.
We er local based.
We are able to provide pilotage on the entire Limfjord during hours of darkness - when conditions are safe to do so.